Volume 14: Education in Food Science and Technology
This issue of The World of Food Science provides a brief synopsis of some aspects of food science and technology education discussed at the 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology held at Iguazzu Falls, Brazil in August 2012:
- EC’s Trackfast Project: Training Requirements and Careers…
- European Food Science and Technology Education
- IUFoST Guidelines for Curricula in Food Science
- Food S&T Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula in Canada and the USA
- Food S&T Curricula in Africa: Meeting Africa’s New Challenges…
- IUFoST Activities in Distance Education.
Commencing in this volume on Education are three short introductions to aspects of food drying prepared by Don Mercer, University of Guelph, Canada as part of a series of community education activities for his local area. More will follow in future volumes:
- Food Drying: Planning Ahead for Summer
- Food Drying – “DIY”
- Food Drying: Let the Dryer Beware
Other features of this volume include the following reports and papers (search the links at the top of the home page):
- Focus articles:
- reprint of a timely paper outlining ten simple rules for aspiring scientists in a low-income country;
- the role of insects as a delicious and nutritious food in Thailand; and
- new packaging to reduce Campylobacter problems in chicken.
- Food Security Update:
- IFPRI Director General Dr Shenggen Li discusses aspects of poverty and hunger reduction;
- What is the effect of biofuel production on food security?
- Helmut Schubert discusses virtual water and the water footprint concept;
- the [UK] Royal Society’s 20 most significant inventions in the history of food and drink; and
- a profile of Dr Daniel Hillel, the World Food Prize Laureate for 2012.
- Association News: reports on the 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, a report on the 45th AIFST Conference held in Adelaide, South Australia, and the death of Jack Kefford, a former IUFoST Secretary-General;
- Student Perspectives: reports from 15 young scientists who attended the 16th World Congress in Brazil.
- International Regulatory Update: Ralph Blanchfield provides an update on EU food safety regulations; and news of recent senior appointments to EFSA and UKFSA.
Comments are welcome: contact Ken Buckle (k.buckle@unsw.edu.au) or IUFoST (secretariat@iufost.org) with contributions or suggestions.