World of Food Science:
Volume 16 ̶ Nanotechnology
This issue of The World of Food Science provides an update on key issues by global experts about nanotechnologies that promise to revolutionise some aspects of foods, food quality, food safety and food processing. Four papers are provided on:
Nanomaterials in the food sector (Greiner et al.)
Detection and characterisation of engineered nanomaterials (Graf et al.)
Delivery of boactives by engineered nanometer-sized materials (Oehlke and Greiner)
Nanoscalar dispersion of antimicrobials: effect on food safety (Weiss).
Other features of this volume include:
Food Security Update: Alastair Hicks provides reports on consultations on traditional technologies held in Tanzania in November 1986 and a recent one held in Uganda in April 2013
Food Safety: an update by FAO on changing disease landscapes regarding world livestock, plus a reference to a history of ethnic foods in the USA
Association News: Ken Buckle and Richard Khaw provide a report on the 13th ASEAN Food Conference held in September 2013; Henry Jaeger provides a view of a young scientist on food science leaders of tomorrow; and Walter Spiess provides a report of the ICSU ROLAC meeting in Cuba in January 2014
International Regulatory Update: a brief summary of the UK Food Standards Agency Forward Evidence Plan 2014
Food Science 101 .…. Community education articles by Don Mercer on:
Drying berries
Aseptic packaging
Calendar of Events: an update of some forthcoming conferences and events in food science and related topics throughout the globe.
Comments are welcome: contact Ken Buckle ( or IUFoST ( with contributions or suggestions.
IUFoST Scientific Information Bulletin (SIB)