Serpentine soil is an uncommon soil type produced by weathered ultramafic rock such as peridotite and its metamorphic derivatives such as serpentinite.More precisely, serpentine soil contains minerals of the serpentine subgroup, especially antigorite, lizardite, and chrysotile or white asbestos, all of which are commonly found in ultramafic rocks. Minerals in the serpentine subgroup are usually green or brown, but can also be black, yellow or white. It is believed the common green color is what inspired the name, serpentine, being a similar color and texture to that of a snake. Blackstone Group - greenstone, amphibolite, serpentinite - Dark-green, massive to foliated metamorphosed gabbroic and basaltic rock interlayered with epiclastic rock; local pillow-structures preserved. This type of metamorphic rock is low in plant nutrients and high in toxic metals. Serpentine is a gem-quality hydrated magnesium silicate, usually green, yellowish-green, or brownish-green in color. Most ultramafic rocks, including serpentinite, contain naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) particles Template:Use dmy dates Serpentinite is a rock composed of one or more serpentine group minerals. Consists primarily of epidote, actinolite, chlorite, and plagioclase. The streak of a rock is the color of powder produced when it is dragged across an unweathered surface. Minerals in this group are formed by serpentinization, a hydration and metamorphic transformation of ultramafic rock from the Earth's mantle. Thus the vegetation on the so-called serpentine landscape is dramatically different from other plant communities, and serpentine barrens contain many specialized, endemic species. Serpentine isn’t a single type of rock, but rather a suite of minerals, often called the serpentine subgroup. Get to know more about Serpentinite rock and characteristics of Serpentinite rock in the next sections. All State Rocks. Serpentine is actually the name for this mineral group and Serpentinite is actually the name for the rock group regardless of the type of dominant serpentine mineral. Serpentine is a shiny green and blue rock found throughout California. Serpentine rock, so called because the pattern of the rock surface resembles a serpent’s skin, is actually a rock type originally formed from ultramafic rock. Not a healthy idea, as you’ll soon learn. Its name is thought to be derived from its serpent-like green colors. Includes rock mapped formerly as Hunting Hill Greenstone. Serpentine is a major rock forming mineral and is found as a constituent in many metamorphic and weather igneous rocks. Serpentine can range from translucent to opaque, and different opacities of stone can have slight variations in magical power. and rock are exposed to low temperatures (about 400 to 600 ºC) and metamorphic processes (high pressures) within the earth’s crust. The alteration is particularly important at the sea floor at tectonic plate boundaries. In other words the serpentine minerals are the major constitutes of the rock serpentinite . The source material of serpentinite, peridotite, is a rock made of upwelled magma containing large amounts of iron. The streak of Serpentinite is white, greenish white or grey. It often colors many of these rocks to a green color and most rocks that have a green color probably have serpentine in some amount. Serpentine is not just a gemstone, but rather, it is a group of minerals which includes up to 20 different related members. Serpentinite is available in black, brown, colourless, green, grey, white colors. The word serpentine refers to the mottled, snakelike pattern sometimes seen on the rock. As a general rule of thumb, a translucent stone will have a stronger effect on psychic phenomena, while a more opaque stone has a clearer effect on the measurable, material world, but the differentiation is rather minor. Ultramafic rock, rich in iron and magnesium, forms within the earth’s mantle and finds its way to the surface … Serpentine is actually a general name applied to several members of a polymorphic group. The Greek physician Dioscorides suggested ground-up serpentinite as a prevention for snakebite. California designated serpentine the official state rock in 1965 (California was the first state to designate a state rock). California has a greater number of minerals and a wider variety of rock types than does any other state. Serpentinite is a type of ultramafic rock, consisting predominantly of magnesium silicate and iron oxide minerals.