Beach. Many “place” nouns do not use an article. Family. Sense is one of a group of senses (a sense of adventure, a sense of place, a sense of purpose, a sense of smell, etc.). It helps when you know why! really appreciate your help. Jobs. We use a when there is an adjective before breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. P.S. My grandmother was a teacher. 4. An article appears before the noun it accompanies. No Article. But I’m originally from Ukraine, and I often hear people using “the” with it… is it correct? There isn't a lot of logic! Use the before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific. (All whales everywhere, not just one specific whale. Like number 18, it is usually general but in this sentence it is “the usual stuff.” This tells us something more specific. Examples. Anyway, it is better late than never!:). But I haven’t camped for years! Candidates can download rules of articles In English grammar with examples pdf file by clicking on below link. It can be very confusing. It is the campfire at our campsite (not just any campfire anywhere). I will be sure to read it and help you! Fire. What Is An Article in English? I’m so glad to know it was useful! My shirt is dirty. We visited (36) the museums and went to (37) the theater. How to use 'the' and 'no article' with geographical names. The details – some specific details concerning vacations (it sounds better with “the” to me) 3. The town is old and, perhaps, this is the reason why it hasn’t got skyscrapers. And they help us understand if you are talking about many vs. all vs. one. When we say what people's jobs are, we usually use a/an. It's clear you know how to use articles in English which is no easy feat! It is not clear or defined. Hour. Share Flipboard Email Article Use in English Quiz. We don’t use “ a “ before uncountable or plural nouns. reading activity with articles! A reading with an explanation for each article in the text so you can see clearly the how and why we use articles. Hope it’s not too much. Example: I saw a snake. As (5) a child, I remember trying to build (6) a fire from scratch by rubbing two sticks together. Articles (A, An, The) With these printable worksheets, students will practice using the articles a , an , and the in sentences. Note: There are some exceptions to this rule. When a possessive pronoun (my, your, his/her/its, our, their) or demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those) is used before the noun, we do not use an article. #193: Less vs. Use the rules and examples from this lesson to help you with the articles. No article – plural, but I am not sure, coz there is also a specific kind of vacations -all-inclusive….? Many of those you will learn specifically in the text below. Try my book! (There is only one forest where you live. But we do not use an article (ø) for specific mountains: Mt. You can unsubscribe any time. The lunch we had at the restaurant was very good. Who is the president of France?. I loved (2) the vacations my family took every summer. (First mention). Here is a text from last week’s Travel Stories lesson. Articles are special adjectives used in front of a noun to identify the noun. When I was younger, I had (1) a real sense of adventure. If there are many, then the speaker would need to define which coast. Notice that we use the indefinite article a/an ONLY with singular countable nouns: a dog, an egg, a very big man, an extremely delicious meal. I know articles can be very challenging but you’ve succeeded with them!… Read more », Don’t be sorry! And then, of course, we break the rules too. Articles are something that are very important to the English language, but for some reason many students do not use them when they are speaking. Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence 1 ESL: Use of Articles Summer 2014 English as a Second Language (ESL): Use of Articles One of the most confusing parts of English grammar for many non-native speakers is the use of articles. Thank you so much. There are lots of churches and cathedrals and their domes are shining on the sun. No article – plural, general 2. That's because nearly any time you use "the" in English you can use the definite article in Spanish.