There were 14 endangered and threatened animal and plant species believed to or known to occur in Pennsylvania as of July 2016. On quiet evenings, muskrats can be seen on the lake and an occasional duck, goose, or eagle visits from time to time. *4.1 Ecology – 4.1.12.A Know the Game Commission as the agency responsible for hunting and trapping regulations and upholding the Game and Wildlife code in the state of Pennsylvania. Birds. The alert observer may see white-tailed deer, black bear, wild turkey, and many species of small game. Understand the role of the Game Commission as the agency responsible for the protection, conservation, and management of wild birds and mammals of Pennsylvania. List Updated April 4, 2019 The law does add one last note: "The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission does not recommend keeping venomous reptiles as pets." Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity. Summary: This set of Pennsylvania laws comprises the state's endangered species provisions. Pennsylvania has 394 native bird species, 186 of which live in the state year-round. Many forest interior birds have high conservation priority. The 2015 Pennsylvania Wildlife Action Plan features 90 bird species that are identified as Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). Despite the name lark, Eastern Meadowlarks are part of the family Icteridae, along with orioles and blackbirds (Wildscreen Achieve). Federally listed species in Pennsylvania. The Blackpoll Warbler is a migratory forest bird. They are listed as at-risk by Partners in Flight, the U.S. Audubon has identified 32 priority-bird species within the Atlantic Flyway. All priority species have been selected through rigorous scientific analysis, and most represent a broad array of other birds and wildlife that use the same habitat type. Pennsylvania birds also means feeder birds. The 4,350-acre Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge near Stroudsburg was established in 2008 for the conservation of migratory birds and federal trust species, like the critically endangered … Currently sixteen species make the Pennsylvania endangered birds list. The table below lists the 12 endangered and threatened animal species believed to or known to occur in the state. For Section 7 Consultation purposes, please use our online tool Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC).. Their nests are on the ground, hidden in grassy areas or shrubs. The Short-eared Owl is listed as endangered in Pennsylvania. Ten of them are water birds. Audubon Pennsylvania . Northern birds will migrate south for the winter (New Jersey Endangered and Threatened Species Field Guide). Short-eared Owls are open country birds, preferring grasslands, lakeshores, and occasionally wetlands. Top Ten Feeder Birds. Conservation focused on priority species is almost always focused on priority habitats as well. Fish and Wildlife Service as Birds of Conservation Concern and the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program.. Nest sites have been limited to a very few in central and western Pennsylvania on strip mine reclamation areas. MAMMALS | BIRDS | REPTILES | AMPHIBIANS | FISHES |CLAMS | SNAILS | INSECTS | CRUSTACEANS | PLANTS. Endangered, Threatened, Proposed and Candidate Species in the Upper Midwest (Region 3) . Females are slightly smaller than males. Don't Edit Endangered … The small, 3.5-acre lake at the confluence of Sassafras Run and Standing Stone Creek has wily native brook trout. Going for a hike to a local state park or forest is a great way to catch up on their status.