He saw the father walking ahead of the son and said, "Here comes a sea followed by an ocean. Τα Ιστορικά 10.18–19: 3–22. Bianquis, C.E. Rumi and his mausoleum were depicted on the reverse of the 5000 Turkish lira banknotes of 1981–1994.[92]. He understands that there is so much more to life than just the faith he lived in. He achieved Graduated from the st. xavier’s college, university of mumbai degree. On the first page of the Masnavi, Rumi states: "Hadha kitâbu 'l- mathnawîy wa huwa uSûlu uSûli uSûli 'd-dîn wa kashshâfu 'l-qur'ân." From an accomplished teacher and jurist, Rumi was transformed into an ascetic. I am the same as [43], Rumi's father was Bahā ud-Dīn Walad, a theologian, jurist and a mystic from Balkh, who was also known by the followers of Rumi as Sultan al-Ulama or "Sultan of the Scholars". A Reply to Misunderstandings about Rumi and Shams by Ibrahim Gamard (1/01) You asked about the relationship between Hazrat-e Mevlana and Hz. That is why it is not possible to tie Jalal Uddin Muhammad Rumi to any particular race or group, because he speaks to the hearts of people all over the world, and he feels everything with his heart. [81], I am the servant of the Qur'an as long as I have life. ", Virani, Shafique. This probably stems from willful confusion over his paternal great grandmother, who was the daughter of Abu Bakr of Sarakhs, a noted jurist (d. 1090). At his suggestion, Rumi started writing his most popular book, Masnavi. Rumi’s visions, words, and life teach us how to reach inner peace and happiness so we can finally stop the continual stream of hostility and hatred and achieve true global peace and harmony.”. I will become that which cannot come into the imagination, کل شیء هالک الا وجهه Bahauddin was appointed the headmaster of the madrasa there. Rumi spent the next twelve years of his life in Anatolia dictating the six volumes of this masterwork, the Masnavi, to Hussam. [108] The commemoration at UNESCO itself took place on 6 September 2007;[2] UNESCO issued a medal in Rumi's name in the hope that it would prove an encouragement to those who are engaged in research on and dissemination of Rumi's ideas and ideals, which would, in turn, enhance the diffusion of the ideals of UNESCO. This Marriage by Rumi "This is the book of the Masnavi, and it is the roots of the roots of the roots of the (Islamic) Religion and it is the Explainer of the Qur'ân."[84]. If anyone quotes anything except this from my sayings, Rumi married the daughter of Salauddin Jacob to his eldest son. those fish of the pure sea of Majesty. On the night of 5 December 1248, as Rumi and Shams were talking, Shams was called to the back door. Rumi married Gawhar Khatun in 1225 while he was in Karaman during the Hijrah. Then I looked for him in my heart and found him there.”. Hence we tend to be overly skeptical, distrustful. As respects to hunting through the treasure-trove of the Qur’ān, one can find in it [the Mathnawī] all [the Qur’ān’s] ancient philosophical wisdom; it [the Mathnawī] is all entirely eloquent philosophy. p. 292), Franklin Lewis, Rumi: Past and Present, East and West, Oneworld Publications, 2008 (revised edition). The prose works are divided into The Discourses, The Letters, and the Seven Sermons. To commemorate Shams, Rumi named his first epic, Shams’s Collective Poems from the City of Tabriz. He mingled with people of all levels. Recordings of Rumi poems have made it to the USA's Billboard's Top 20 list. "[47][48] Attar gave the boy his Asrārnāma, a book about the entanglement of the soul in the material world. Rumi smiled and took out a piece of paper on which were written the opening eighteen lines of his Masnavi, beginning with: Listen to the reed and the tale it tells, He was a high-ranking dignitary in Konya. He danced when he felt oneness with the Creator and the love of the Creator. So, I went to the temple and did not find him. Rumi. In 1231 Rumi succeeded his late father as a religious teacher. So they kept threatening Shams Tabrizi and Tabrizi also left Konya and went to Damascus at one stage. ed. She is not dating anyone currently. A hagiographical account of him is described in Shams ud-Din Ahmad Aflāki's Manāqib ul-Ārifīn (written between 1318 and 1353). His poems or writings are in fact a reflection of human expression in various mysterious and diverse experiences where people find different feelings in his daily life. Sometimes a shoemaker, sometimes a goldsmith would become his intimate friend. Rather, as Meier has shown, it was in the small town of Wakhsh north of the Oxus that Baha'uddin Walad, Jalaluddin's father, lived and worked as a jurist and preacher with mystical inclinations. But when Rumi was devastated by this incident, his eldest son Sultan Walad was forced to bring him back to Konya. Rumi’s one son Amir Alim Chalabi and one daughter Malakhi Khatun … Rumi, however, asserts the supremacy of Islam by stating: "The Light of Muhammad has become a thousand branches (of knowledge), a thousand, so that both this world and the next have been seized from end to end. How is it that a Persian boy born almost eight hundred years ago in Khorasan, the northeastern province of greater Iran, in a region that we identify today as Central Asia, but was considered in those days as part of the Greater Persian cultural sphere, wound up in Central Anatolia on the receding edge of the Byzantine cultural sphere, in which is now Turkey, من چه گویم وصف آن عالیجناب — نیست پیغمبر ولی دارد کتاب, مثنوی معنوی مولوی — هست قرآن در زبان پهلوی. Wanderer, idolater, worshiper of fire, Apart from Muslims, people of other religions also respected him. Rumi was a major celebrity, above the emir/sultan, highly cultured, extremely well connected and one of the most creative geniuses of all time. [85], One of the greatest living authorities on Rûmî in Persia today, Hâdî Hâ'irî, has shown in an unpublished work that some 6,000 verses of the Dîwân and the Mathnawî are practically direct translations of Qur'ânic verses into Persian poetry. After the death of Gawhar Khatun, Rumi married a widow, who had a daughter named Kimia Khatun. “. In 2005, UNESCO proclaimed "The Mevlevi Sama Ceremony" of Turkey as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. [113][114], Also on 30 September 2007, Turkey celebrated Rumi’s eight-hundredth birthday with a giant Whirling Dervish ritual performance of the samāʿ, which was televised using forty-eight cameras and broadcast live in eight countries. It is rumoured that Shams was murdered with the connivance of Rumi's son, 'Ala' ud-Din; if so, Shams indeed gave his head for the privilege of mystical friendship.[49]. Seeing her dance, it seemed that she had gone to another world in the middle of the dance, she had no connection with the real world. Then Rumi did a strange thing to keep Shams Tabrizi in Konya. So that I may lift up (my) head and wings (and soar) among the angels, His father's friend Burhan al-Din arrived and for nine years taught Rumi Sufism. On 1 May 1228, most likely as a result of the insistent invitation of 'Alā' ud-Dīn Key-Qobād, ruler of Anatolia, Baha' ud-Din came and finally settled in Konya in Anatolia within the westernmost territories of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm. It is the aim of the Mawlana Rumi Review to redress this carelessly inattentive approach to world literature, which is something far more serious than a minor faux pas committed by the Western literary imagination."[118]. The Mewlewī Sufi order was founded in 1273 by Rumi's followers after his death. And thus on November 15, 1244, Shams Tabrizi became acquainted with him. “Persian Poetry, Sufism and Ismailism: The Testimony of Khwajah Qasim Tushtari's Recognizing God.”, Franklin D. Lewis, Rumi: Past and Present, East and West: The Life, Teaching, and Poetry of Jalâl al-Din Rumi, rev. ― Rumi Jalalud-Din ... “The married pair must match one another: look at a pair of shoes or boots. He himself went out searching for Shams and journeyed again to Damascus. Everything perishes except His Face, The most complete genealogy offered for family stretches back only six or seven generations and cannot reach to Abu Bakr, the companion and first caliph of the Prophet, who died two years after the Prophet, in C.E. His death was mourned by the diverse community of Konya, with local Christians and Jews joining the crowd that converged to bid farewell as his body was carried through the city. Rumi found another companion in Salaḥ ud-Din-e Zarkub, a goldsmith. So the poems written by Rumi are basically the poems of Shams Tabrizi. She did not live long and … His essence speaks through me. With the foundation of the modern, secular Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk removed religion from the sphere of public policy and restricted it exclusively to that of personal morals, behaviour and faith. She was named Kimia. An international ceremony and conference were held in Tehran; the event was opened by the Iranian president and the chairman of the Iranian parliament. You left, how can I cry now? How can I cry now without eyes dear! It was from these ideas that the practice of whirling Dervishes developed into a ritual form. [42] For example, Professor Franklin Lewis of the University of Chicago, author of the most complete biography on Rumi, has separate sections for the hagiographical biography of Rumi and the actual biography about him. The Masnavi weaves fables, scenes from everyday life, Qur'anic revelations and exegesis, and metaphysics into a vast and intricate tapestry. The most complete genealogy offered for the family stretches back to six or seven generations to famous Hanafi jurists.[43][44][45]. Dedes, D. 1993. XXIV (1952), pp. "ḎJalāl al- Dīn Rūmī b. Bahāʾ al-Dīn Sulṭān al-ʿulamāʾ Walad b. Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad Ḵhaṭībī ." By the time he made it to Konya his mother had died, and he was married with one child, a son. The use of its various metaphors and the variability of concepts often puzzle readers. He believes in Muslim. Ertugrul Gunay, of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, stated, "Three hundred dervishes are scheduled to take part in this ritual, making it the largest performance of sema in history. Once again I will become sacrificed from (the state of) the angel, After the death of Gawhar Khatun, Rumi married a widow, who had a daughter named Kimia Khatun. “As Safa points out (Saf 2:1206) the Discourse reflect the stylistics of oral speech and lacks the sophisticated word plays, Arabic vocabulary and sound patterning that we would except from a consciously literary text of this period. Shahram Shiva asserts that "Rumi is able to verbalise the highly personal and often confusing world of personal growth and development in a very clear and direct fashion. When Shams relented and returned to Konya the first time, Rumi, didn’t want to lose Shams again so he came up with an idea. From then on, Jacob was Rumi’s close companion for a long time. 106–115), Franklin D. Lewis, Rumi: Past and Present, East and West: The Life, Teaching, and Poetry of Jalâl al-Din Rumi, rev. [53] Rumi's body was interred beside that of his father, and a splendid shrine, the Yeşil Türbe (Green Tomb, قبه الخضراء; today the Mevlâna Museum), was erected over his place of burial. آن را که شراب وصل جانان دادند مُردم از حیوانی و آدم شدم Which had a profound effect on Rumi’s adolescence and he became fascinated with the mystery. pp. His first marriage was to a woman named Gowhar Khatun in 1225. ... Mawlānā was married all his life from about the age of eighteen, and he was very devoted to his two wives. And today we will hear the story of the famous Maulana or poet Jalal Uddin Rumi, whose words cut a scar in our hearts, whose poems teach us a new definition of love, whose poems teach us not to be afraid of the Creator but to be found in love. The marriage produced two male children, Baha al-Din Muhammad-i Walad (popularly known as Sultan Walad) and Ala-eddin Chalabi. But in the midst of all this, he was a bit of an exception. Age 37: On Saturdday, November 28, 1244 A.D. or 26th of Jamadi-ul0akhar 642 A.H., Rumi and Shams met: Age 39: On March 14, 1246, 21st Shewwal, 643, Shams left Qonya and Rumi … It seemed Rumi had become quite impervious to all the perils. The claim of maternal descent from the Khwarazmshah for Rumi or his father is also seen as a non-historical hagiographical tradition designed to connect the family with royalty, but this claim is rejected for chronological and historical reasons. Look, there is good in every fallen leaf. His father named him Jalal Uddin. In addition to Rumi’s various poems and songs, there is a collection of his various sayings called ‘Fihi Ma Fihi’, which were written by his followers and friends at different times. He did not marry anyone else while he was married to her, they were married for 25 years untill her death in 619 AD. [89] The English interpretations of Rumi's poetry by Coleman Barks have sold more than half a million copies worldwide,[90] and Rumi is one of the most widely read poets in the United States. [95][96] Contemporary classical interpretations of his poetry are made by Muhammad Reza Shajarian, Shahram Nazeri, Davood Azad (the three from Iran) and Ustad Mohammad Hashem Cheshti (Afghanistan). According to the authoritative Rumi biographer Franklin Lewis of the University of Chicago, "[t]he Anatolian peninsula which had belonged to the Byzantine, or eastern Roman empire, had only relatively recently been conquered by Muslims and even when it came to be controlled by Turkish Muslim rulers, it was still known to Arabs, Persians and Turks as the geographical area of Rum. [91] Shahram Shiva book "Rending the Veil: Literal and Poetic Translations of Rumi" (1995, HOHM Press) is the recipient of the Benjamin Franklin Award. Shamsu 'd-din of Tabriz. Ultimately, Rumi settled in what is now the country of Turkey, where he became a teacher, musician, spiritual leader, and poet. Rumi's work has been translated into many of the world's languages, including Russian, German, Urdu, Turkish, Arabic, Bengali, French, Italian, and Spanish, and is being presented in a growing number of formats, including concerts, workshops, readings, dance performances, and other artistic creations. In 1226, Alauddin Kaikobad, the ruler of Anatolia, invited Bahauddin and his family to Konya, Anatolia, and asked them to stay. Shams Tabrizi was an unruly nomadic saint, whom people called a ‘bird’. 90–92: "Baha al-Din’s disciples also traced his family lineage to the first caliph, Abu Bakr (Sep 9; Af 7; JNO 457; Dow 213). On September 30, 1206, a small child was born to Sultan ul Ulama, Baha Uddin Walad, and Muimina Khatun in the city of Balkh (present-day Afghanistan) on the Anatolian Peninsula. Rumi was born in Central Asia, most likely in present-day Tajikistan, near the border of Afghanistan. [11][12] Rumi's influence transcends national borders and ethnic divisions: Iranians, Tajiks, Turks, Greeks, Pashtuns, other Central Asian Muslims, and the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent have greatly appreciated his spiritual legacy for the past seven centuries. At the next charge (forward) I will die to human nature, Note: Rumi's shrine is now known as the "Mevlâna Museum" in Turkey. 2310. This grand gathering of the intellectuals, diplomats, and followers of Mewlana was held in Kabul and in Balkh, the Mewlana's place of birth. [97] His first successor in the rectorship of the order was "Husam Chalabi" himself, after whose death in 1284 Rumi's younger and only surviving son, Sultan Walad (died 1312), popularly known as author of the mystical Maṭnawī Rabābnāma, or the Book of the Rabab was installed as grand master of the order. To many modern Westerners, his teachings are one of the best introductions to the philosophy and practice of Sufism. During Ottoman times, the Mevlevi produced a number of notable poets and musicians, including Sheikh Ghalib, Ismail Rusuhi Dede of Ankara, Esrar Dede, Halet Efendi, and Gavsi Dede, who are all buried at the Galata Mewlewī Khāna (Turkish: Mevlevi-Hane) in Istanbul. They would fill their hearts from your work and compose music to accompany it." She was the one who sponsored the construction of his tomb in Konya. Some manuscripts give as many as 32,000! This was clearly an intense personal and spiritual relationship that brought out new aspects of Rumi’s own spirituality and inspired his poetry. (2008): "“a couple of dozen at most of the 35,000 lines of the Divan-I Shams are in Turkish, and almost all of these lines occur in poems that are predominantly in Persian”". I died to the animal state and became a man, I died to the vegetal state and reached animality, The Book conveys the prophets' circumstances He was buried in Konya next to his father. Rumi encouraged Sama, listening to music and turning or doing the sacred dance. His family and high-ranking members of society continue to think that Rumi’s ‘disgrace’ is happening because of his association with Shams Tabrizi. We do not learn the name of Baha al-Din's mother in the sources, only that he referred to her as "Māmi" (colloquial Persian for Māma),[46] and that she was a simple woman who lived to the 1200s. [30], Rumi was born to native Persian-speaking parents,[17][18][31] originally from the Balkh, in present-day Afghanistan. He believed that in the midst of nature God spread the message of the invisible world. Required fields are marked *. Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. 54, (2004), 97; With the growth of Seljuk power in Rum, a more highly developed Muslim cultural life, based on the Persianate culture of the Great Seljuk court, was able to take root in Anatolia. On 1 May 1228, most likely as a result of the insistent invitation of 'Ala' ud-Din Mawlânâ Jalâl ad-Dîn Muhammad Balkhî, better known as Rumi, (1207 - 1273) was born in Afghanistan but was forced into a nomadic life as a child because his family feared Mongol invasion and general political unrest. And I must (also) jump from the river of (the state of) the angel, I have never become less from dying. [41] Upon his death, his followers and his son Sultan Walad founded the Mevlevi Order, also known as the Order of the Whirling Dervishes, famous for the Sufi dance known as the Sama ceremony. When Rumi and Shams met the second time, they fell at each other’s feet. [2][32], Greater Balkh was at that time a major centre of Persian culture[23][31][33] and Sufism had developed there for several centuries. p. 314: “The Foruzanfar’s edition of the Divan-e Shams compromises 3229 ghazals and qasidas making a total of almost 35000 lines, not including several hundred lines of stanzaic poems and nearly two thousand quatrains attributed to him”, Mecdut MensurOghlu: “The Divan of Jalal al-Din Rumi contains 35 couplets in Turkish and Turkish-Persian which have recently been published me” (Celal al-Din Rumi’s turkische Verse: UJb. He is not a Prophet but has come with a book; Many times they see different differences and variations among themselves. Rumi believed passionately in the use of music, poetry and dance as a path for reaching God. Mawlānā (مولانا) is a term of Arabic origin, meaning "our master". When Mongols invaded Persia, Rumi left Persia for Konya, which was then under the Persian empire. Her dancing was a kind of worship to her. The Spiritual Masnavi of Mowlavi The law also provided penalties for those who tried to re-establish the Orders. His poems are passionate, spiritual and intense. C.E. There is also a Mewlewī monastery (درگاه, dargāh) in Istanbul near the Galata Tower in which the samāʿ is performed and accessible to the public. There is a famous landmark in Northern India, known as Rumi Gate, situated in Lucknow (the capital of Uttar Pradesh) named for Rumi. At the age of 18, on their way to Mecca, they were met at Nishapur by the famous Persian spiritual poet Attar. Truly, to Him is our return. The full name of this Director & Screenwriter is Rumi Jaffery. He is most commonly called Rumi in English. Brill, 2007. Brill Online. Meyer, G. 1895. ), Scholars of other Sunni Islamic schools of jurisprudence, Contemporary Persian and Classical Persian are the same language, but writers since 1900 are classified as contemporary. [104] In 1974, the Whirling Dervishes were permitted to travel to the West for the first time. I am the dust on the path of Muhammad, the Chosen one. [58], Rumi's favourite musical instrument was the ney (reed flute).[14]. Since his father was a famous ulama and jurist of that time, Rumi had the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of various aspects of Islamic scriptures from an early age. (Khawaja Abdul Hamid Irfani, "The Sayings of Rumi and Iqbal", Bazm-e-Rumi, 1976. In this journey, the seeker symbolically turns towards the truth, grows through love, abandons the ego, finds the truth and arrives at the Perfect. ed. On 1 May 1228, most likely as a result of the insistent invitation of 'Alā' ud-Dīn Key-Qobād, ruler of Anatolia, Baha' ud-Din came and finally settled in Konya in Anatolia within the westernmost territories of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm. [117] The first volume was published in 2010, and it has come out annually since then. [36] His father was also connected to the spiritual lineage of Najm al-Din Kubra. But later when he became the famous Maulana and poet of Anatolia in Rome, he became known as Maulana and Rumi. [100] The music accompanying the samāʿ consists of settings of poems from the Maṭnawī and Dīwān-e Kabīr, or of Sultan Walad's poems. There are many traces of 13th century Sufism in the middle of Masnavi. Jalal ad-Din is an Arabic name meaning "Glory of the Faith". Baha' ud-Din became the head of a madrassa (religious school) and when he died, Rumi, aged twenty-five, inherited his position as the Islamic molvi. After a while, by the end of 1247, Hazrat Shams was married to Kimia, a young woman who’d grown up in Mawlana Rumi's household. Sometimes he hears the sound of a shepherd’s flute, sometimes he hears the sound of a drum, sometimes he hears the sound of a goldsmith’s hammer. He believed that it was not possible to find a mosque or a church in search of the Creator, but to seek the Creator in one’s own heart. Die griechischen Verse in Rabâbnâma. They finally settled in Karaman for seven years; Rumi's mother and brother both died there. At first, he could not believe that Shams Tabrizi was dead. He was born either in Wakhsh, a village on the Vakhsh River in present-day Tajikistan, or in the city of Balkh, in present-day Afghanistan. [53], Like other mystic and Sufi poets of Persian literature, Rumi's poetry speaks of love which infuses the world. From Nishapur, Walad and his entourage set out for Baghdad, meeting many of the scholars and Sufis of the city. Rumi never knew about this incident in his lifetime. He was buried in Konya, and his shrine became a place of pilgrimage. [54], Georgian Queen Gürcü Hatun was a close friend of Rumi. Scholars from twenty-nine countries attended the events, and 450 articles were presented at the conference. They had two sons: Sultan Walad and Ala-eddin Chalabi. But later when he became the famous Maulana and poet of Anatolia in Rome, he became known as Maulana and Rumi. … Rumi embeds his theosophy (transcendental philosophy) like a string through the beads of his poems and stories. I am quit of him and outraged by these words. حملهٔ دیگر بمیرم از بشر Come even though you have broken your vows a thousand times, And since his mother Muimina Khatun is a descendant of the Khwarizmi dynasty, Rumi has been growing up in the company of high-ranking people since childhood. "), Franklin Lewis, Rumi: Past and Present, East and West, Oneworld Publications, 2008 (revised edition). According to Professor Majid M. Naini,[88] "Rumi's life and transformation provide true testimony and proof that people of all religions and backgrounds can live together in peace and harmony. [24][25] Translations of his works are very popular, most notably in Turkey, Azerbaijan, the United States, and South Asia. Excerpt: "known by the sobriquet Mewlānā, persian poet and founder of the Mewlewiyya order of dervishes", Annemarie Schimmel, The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Works of Jalaloddin Rumi, SUNY Press, 1993, p. 193: "Rumi's mother tongue was Persian, but he had learned during his stay in Konya, enough Turkish and Greek to use it, now and then, in his verse.". In 1225, Rumi married Gowhar Khatun in Karaman. He. Then I went to the mosque and did not find him there. Rumi cared for Shams, not just because he helped Rumi attain self-realization and ascension, but by immortalizing Shams he perpetuated Shams' transformative energy for all seekers in the world. A voice said to him, "What will you give in return?" When his wife died, Rumi married again and had a son, Amir Alim Chalabi, and a daughter, Malakeh Khatun. [citation needed]. How it sings of separation...[51]. Many times they see different differences and variations among themselves. His first son, Sultan Walad, was born in Larada. there with the spirits of the prophets merge. ", (Ritter, H.; Bausani, A. The use of its various metaphors and the variability of concepts often puzzle readers. An evocative poem, doused in imagery, this one will tie in beautifully with the vows of a couple who love to cook or travel together. Tahsin Yazıcı, Ankara 1953, i, Önsöz, 44). Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries. [111] Iranian musician Shahram Nazeri was awarded the Légion d'honneur and Iran's House of Music Award in 2007 for his renowned works on Rumi masterpieces. Hast thou ever seen one leaf of a (folding) door small and the other large, or a wolf mated with the lion of the jungle? Again, many say that after the death of Shams Tabrizi, Rumi became Shams Tabrizi. In the Mevlevi tradition, samāʿ represents a mystical journey of spiritual ascent through mind and love to the Perfect One. Ποιήματα του Μαυλανά Ρουμή. See for example 4th grade Iranian school book where the story of the Parrot and Merchant from the Mathnawi is taught to students, Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, "UNESCO: 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Mawlana Jalal-ud-Din Balkhi-Rumi", "Why is Rumi the best-selling poet in the US? For nine years, Rumi practised Sufism as a disciple of Burhan ud-Din until the latter died in 1240 or 1241. Shortly after his death, Rumi succeeded him at the age of 25, and gradually he became known as Maulvi Sahib or Maulana Sahib. گویدم که انا الیه راجعون. In other verses in the Masnavi, Rumi describes in detail the universal message of love: The lover’s cause is separate from all other causes Indeed, it was so intense that when Tabrizi mysteriously disappeared, Rumi went in quest of him until he finally realized that the other whom he was seeking was, at … Rumi married and had a son, who later wrote his biography. Rumi’s works have been translated to many languages across the world, including Russian, German, Urdu, Turkish, Arabic, French, Italian and Spanish. And the beginning of his poetry came after this injury. but find it in the hearts of men. He married Shams to Kimia, his young stepdaughter who grew up in Rumi’s household. Tajiks and Persian admirers still prefer to call Jalaluddin 'Balkhi' because his family lived in Balkh, current day in Afghanistan before migrating westward. By Claire This week's ceremony reading is our second offering from this iconic Persian poet, it's This Marriage by Rumi. The migrating caravan then passed through Damascus, Malatya, Erzincan, Sivas, Kayseri and Nigde. I have been looking for myself![50]. Because he could not stay in one place for long and be common, he could be seen in two places at the same time, so that it seemed that he could fly or change his position in the blink of an eye. Franklin Lewis, Rumi : Past and Present, East and West: The Life, Teachings, and Poetry of Jalâl al-Din Rumi, 2000, pp. His father named him Jalal Uddin. Rumi probably met the philosopher ibn al-Arabi at Damascus. And today we will hear the story of the famous Maulana or poet Jalal Uddin Rumi, whose words cut a scar in our hearts, whose poems teach us a new definition of love, whose poems teach us not to be afraid of the Creator but to be found in love. 315–317), we may still say that he spoke and wrote in Persian as a native language, wrote and conversed in Arabic as a learned "foreign" language and could at least get by at the market in Turkish and Greek (although some wildly extravagant claims have been made about his command of Attic Greek, or his native tongue being Turkish) (Lewis 2008:xxi). He is widely known by the sobriquet Mawlānā/Molānā[1][5] (Persian: مولانا Persian pronunciation: [moulɒːnɒ]) in Iran and popularly known as Mevlânâ in Turkey. Chopra in Indo Iranica Vol. [13] His poems have been widely translated into many of the world's languages and transposed into various formats. His main point and emphasis is the unity of being. Ours is not a caravan of despair.[101]. Rumi belongs to the class of Islamic philosophers which include Ibn Arabi and Mulla Sadra. He was laid to rest beside his father, and over his remains a shrine was erected. His father Bahauddin was a famous religious teacher and mystic who received a position at the university in Balkh. When his wife died, Rumi married again and had a son, Amir Alim Chalabi, and a daughter, Malakeh Khatun.