The next two submitted by Thomas Forster Meaning: Suspicious people worries about everything. Yo hang witt di daug yo ketch di fleas. Dis ya time no stan like befo time. The next one submitted by May H. The next one submitted by [email protected] (Juana) The next one submitted by: [email protected] Empti krucus bag cant stan up. Meaning: If you get yourself in trouble you have to face the consequences. No call aligetta big mout til yu krass di riva. Small rudda control big ship. Me han no jine chuch. Blood follows your vein. Cow shit pahn e tail, weh yu expect pahn di ground? NO ONE SAYS HIS OWN BUTTERMILK IS SOUR. Meaning: Put two people with the same personality together to see who is Meaning: A small person may have the better brain. Meaning: A person given orders pass it on to someone else. When the tree is bent you cannot straighten it. When fish come fram rivva battam an tell yu halligetter gat Meaning: A bully know who to mess with. Meaning: A person that lie very fast. Hog asked his momma why is his mouth so long, His mother replied, don't worry baby when you grow up you will find out. :(Thomas Forster) Todey fe mi, tomorrow fe you. Meaning: Family comes first. A man hates you if he give you a basket to carry water. Meaning: Protect your family when danger is lurking. Meaning: IF YOU DONT LIKE THE MOTHER HOW WILL YOU LIKE THE CHILDREN The next one submitted by Antonio Linaris Meaning: Comes from the notion that blacks are better in bed. Meaning: Family comes first. Sickness come di gyallop but tek e own time fu waak weh. If e nuh bun, e nuh dunn. No sell yu ass and sh*t tru yu ribs. Meaning: Thank God I'm not involved in this argument. Ugly monkey eats pretty mommy. The next six submitted by: Deborah C. Changie blak dawg fu monki!! One day belly full fattens a skinny dog. growing". Meaning: This was used to describe very active children that could not stay in one position for a very long time. The next one submitted by May H. IF YU NO LIKE DE COW HOW CAN U LIKE DE CALVES Every pot has a cover Meaning: A small person may have the better brain. Man who sh*t in the past don't remember, it's the one who steps in it. You hang with dogs, you'll catch their fleas. Barefoot tea betta dan empti belly. Da no who lauf fuss lauf best. The cow knows where the weakest part of the fence is. Yu gat to much a weh di kat lick e battam wit!. That one cuts like panya machete. If dah no so, dah naily so. Slippry no okro. The next one submitted by Ivy Pitts U deh deh di baffu ah cahn gamma!!! A married man is trouble. Mout seh anyting !! Hog lives with its godmother. bellyache you mus beleeve anh. The next one submitted by Ivy Pitts Her response, "You are Meaning: Don't mess with someone until you're safe. It's not who laugh first laugh best. Hag live wit e gaddi. It's a fool that is speaking, but it's not a fool who is listening. Meaning: A bully know who to mess with. Meaning: Don't spend more than you could afford. Meaning: As you go through life you will understand things more clearly. Put two a deh enna wha bag a we wa si who wa come out fus. Meaning: A thief will never get ahead. Meaning: You could encourage somebody, but can't make them do it. Meaning: Discretion is the better part of valor (Neil) Meaning: Nothing will last forever. or submited by Hass laze fu bac y grass wahn stauv. DAWG WEH EAT EGG NEVA STOP. When the cockroach holds a ball he doesn't invite chickens. He talks big, but he sh*ts small. Grauma sayings (Proverbs) are different from Belizean Old Wive's Tales. Meaning: Heed words of warning. Trouble neva mek eself. Meaning: A person will never talk bad about his family or self. Meaning: Don't give away what you have and be left without. Also: Refers to someone who changes direction in opinion or decision to suit the moment. Hawg meh ask e Mammie how it mout so lang. Not every thing that has sugar is sweet. Meaning: What may appears good may not be. Mek yu slef floclath an pipple wahn wipe dehn foot pahn yu. Meaning: Somebody who is very happy. Cackroach no go da fowl dance. Yo giv weh yo ass ahn shit chu yo ribs Meaning: Refers to people who complain about everything. Tiger must be biting. Trouble neba mek eself. Meaning: People will exploit your weakness. The next two submitted by Nicole: A leaky house. Meaning: A well-off person tells a poor person to perservere. Ogly monki eat pretty mammie. Di dauka di berry, di sweeta di juice. Meaning: You're dressed up but did you take a bath? Meaning: A person that lie very fast. NO STAP AH DONKI WEH YO NO OWN. If it isn't burnt, it isn't done. What your eyes don't see, your heart won't greive. Meaning: People work better when being watched by the boss. Meaning: Refers to a convoluted and improbable story; tall tales. Aug … to her by her beloved Great-grandma, Sita. Every bully has his catcher. Yu coulda lie suga outta bun. If yu mek yu bed haad yu hav to sleep eena it. Cow does not belong in a horse's gallop. Fos fool da no fool. Ful belli tel empti belli kip hart. When cackroach mek dance e no invite fowl. Ah wanda whey jankro do befo jekass dead? Meaning: People work better when being watched by the boss. Fun will bring burn. DON'T STOP A DONKEY THAT IS NOT YOURS. Meaning: Two wrongs do not make a right. Di man weh lif up haas tail no e batty red. The next one submitted by the Belizean Bandit You give away your ass and shit through your ribs. A coward man keeps some bone. Fos fool da no fool. Meaning: God will remember your bad deeds. It's a fool that is speaking, but it's not a fool who is listening. The next four submitted by Shaun What my ears doesn't hear, my ass doesn't count. The cow knows where the weakest part of the fence is. Yu wahn no how bauley grow. Meaning: Don't pass judgment before becoming familiar. Meaning: If you don't pay attention you may have to do the work twice. You're riding a high horse! Wen daug havv money e eat cheez. Meaning: People risen above their station in life and are arrogant to others. Yo act like yo have chinch ina yo ass. Meaning: Suspicious people worries about everything. If you make your bed hard you have to sleep in it. Horse dead and cow fat. Fun Bring Bun tel ya eye wata bun The same knife that kills the sheep kills the goat. No call aligetta big mout til yu krass di riva. You're out all over town like a drifting dog. Meaning: A good person will defend himself no matter what. The next one submitted by Juanita daughter at you. Meaning: People will never assume responsibilty when something goes wrong. Kiss Pauly's red bottom! Meaning: Have respect for others. Meaning: A thief will never get ahead. 2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Di eye a di masta fatten di calf. Meaning: Heed words of warning. Aze haud pickney always feel. Where dogs are not invited, bones are not provided. Meaing: Making an exchange for something that's just as bad. As it opens up and gets big, risk increases for it to clamp down and bite your portfolio hard. The next one submitted by [email protected] The first fool isn't a fool. Meaning:A comment on people who have suddenly obtained wealth. Meaning: Persistence and attention to the task will get you there, even if slower. Meaning: You talk too much! Meaning: A good person will defend himself no matter what. Don't sell your ass and sh*t through your ribs. Meaning: This is the end of the party. Da no who lauf fuss lauf best. Creole run to fire but run from rain!! Empty crocus bag cannot stand up. Things will change no matter how long it takes. Meaning: You hang around bad company, you'll get into trouble. Meaning: The higher (up the the social ladder) a person gets, When the cockroach holds a ball he doesn't invite chickens. Small ax fall big tree. is very important for parents to rise their kids the proper way Cut da rope shaut. Also: Refers to someone who changes direction in opinion or decision to suit the moment. Yu si mi crass! Meaning: A person that lie very fast. Empti krucus bag cant stan up. Di sae ting weh sweet yu wahn sowa yu. Gawd neva gi yo mo dan whe yo cud bare. When a finnicky person unknowningly eats something dirty. A man hates you if he give you a basket to carry water. Everyone knows that bears hibernate, but most people don't realize that alligators do, too. Trying to "baffu" but can't "gamma"!! Exchanging a black dog for a monkey!! Yu de grow! Finga nevva say look ya, e say look deh. WEH ME ERS NO HARE ME ASS NO COUNT Show me your company (friends) and I'll who you are. If you follow the ghost you'll jump in the water. Where dogs are not invited, bones are not provided. Meaning: When things are bad, an isolated piece of luck doesn't help much. The next one submitted by Juanita daughter Evry bulli gat e catcha. You were born with a gold spoon in your mouth. Changie blak dawg fu monki!! Meaning: Don't count as certain what has not yet occured. Therefore, be good to me. The next one submitted by [email protected] Meaning: People who give away too much and is left with little. Exchanging a black dog for a monkey!! ah chrow mo corn, but i nuh call no fowl Meaning: Don't pass judgment before becoming familiar. Yo bawn wit gold spoon ina yo mouth. Same knife weh kill sheep kill goat. "Ebre pat gat e kibber" Meaning: The pelican is a carefree bird who never fights the winds. Meaning: Put two people with the same personality together to see who is He talks big, but he sh*ts small. The parson christens his own child first. The next one submitted by: [email protected] Barefoot tea is better than an empty belly. Time langa dan rope. Don’t Call Alligator Long-Mouth till You crossed River by John Agard. Meaning: Refers to a convoluted and improbable story; tall tales. Meaning: What you don't see won't hurt you. Meaning: Even a bully will get beat up. He lies faster than a horse trots. A coward man keeps some bone. You were born with a gold spoon in your mouth. Meaning: People will exploit your weakness. Kiss Pauly's red bottom! it's the person who it affects Hass laze fu bac y grass wahn stauv. Greedy choke puppi. Don't take a serious subject and play with it. Haste mek waste. No ebery ting weh gat shugah sweet. Wen man dead grass grow da e doe. You have too much of what the cat licks his bottom with! The same knife that kills the sheep kills the goat. (Fufu are plantain dumplings) Meaning: Children will bare the consequence of their mother (parent's) actions Small ax fall big tree. Meaning: A good person will defend himself no matter what. The following six submitted by the Mahlers. Meaning: People will exploit your weakness. Seeing me and living with me are two different things. E cold no daug nose. Plantian doesn't taste like rice. Changie blak dawg fu monki!! If e nuh bun, e nuh dunn. The first fool isn't a fool. They're close like a butt and toilet.