With easy writing your own widgets or extensions, hooks you can make it powerful integrated system. For stacking only window managers, please look here. Very customizable. Window Managers are X clients that control the frames around where graphics are drawn (what is inside a window). Setting up bspwm is much more of a headache due to developers assuming things are clearer than they are. This allows configurations like the following example: User A: wAB, wA1, wA2; User B: wB1, wAB, wB2. Notion allows the user to have both tiling and floating windows in the same workspaces, which not only adds variation but allows for flexibility in appeasing the user's preferences. This article provides an unbiased comparison of the most popular tiling window managers (as opposed to floating window managers). musca window manager has a slim border around its displayed windows, there is a highlighted frame around the active window. Notion was designed by someone who was sick and tired of productivity repercussions associated with the hunt-and-peck paradigm of the normal GUIs. Multiple workspaces are supported in notion. Uses LUA for configuration and scripting. Compared to something like i3 for example, a user following through i3's documentation is basically guaranteed to get a working desktop suited to their needs. Dwm's design paradigm is to use tags to group clients (applications) that can then be pulled into a view (workspace); this allows you to view multiple clients at once and to assign or reassign those tags and their related views on the fly. If a user wants to use a status bar, they will need to install one separate as there are not any in musca by default. Xmonad is a dynamic, tiling window manager for Linux. dwm is for experienced users who know their way around Linux, know what they want, and are comfortable with C and git. Just two hot keys: Shift+Super+C to reload the config and Shift+Super+R to restart (which takes less than one second). Tiling windows aren’t a new thing on Linux. The config file is just a shell executable making calls to that program. Bspwm also automatically tiles windows rather than i3's manual tiling with a couple different available modes. Dmenu friendly environment. Can't access it offline unless you download the page. i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager. Depending on your Linux distribution, XMonad may well do nothing at all until you got a configuration from somewhere on the internet. Use a basic, normal, one, such as xfce. The user keeps their hands in one spot (most of the time). XMonad is a very minimal and efficient window manager, especially if the user is familiar with Haskell. Dwm is a low-resource window manager that is entirely simplistic in design. If you need a Window Manager, than this is the best … Bspwm's config file is just a shell script. Different people may be served by different things as everyone may have their own definition of what works for them and what gets in the way. I mean what more do i want? One will find that the mouse is used less and less, making navigation quicker over time. No need to restart for updating configurations. You can leverage the full power and flexibility of the language to make it fit your needs. This, while giving users all the flexibility they could ask for, also makes dwm as lightweight as possible, and means that the users all have a full understanding of how it works. Learning resources for Lua are fairly abundant, as Lua is a popular extension language, often used for scripting in games. This shortcut can be changed in config file. For example, when you start an application, there will be a window manager running in the background, responsible for the placement and appearance of windows. sawfish . But when it's patched, it's worth the "trouble".. As you have multiple workspaces and you can resize, etc. i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. Results in many of the scripts for awesome to be found online end up being outdated. Basic set of options and doesn't require a language to configure it. Just clean lines and efficiency. XMonad is a free and open-source dynamic tiling X11 window manager that exists to automate windows searching and alignment. XMonad by default can handle multi-monitor setups. Select the window. And it is written in Lua. Users who want one will can install a third-party application like trayer or stalonetray, but it is an extra step that some may not want to make. Manual Tiling. Developers says that it's usable. With over 100 commits in the short time the window manager has been around is a good sign of activity. To be specific, the code which handled on-the-fly screen reconfiguration (meaning without restarting the X server) was a very messy heuristic approach and most of the time did not work correctly — that is just not possible with the limited information that Xinerama offers (just a list of screen resolutions and no identifiers for the screens or any additional information). stumpwm. Aka: stack (wmii). It also consumes very little memory. Many often work great on low end systems as they do not take as much resources to run, due the majority being minimal by design. Full of bugs. I've tried several (4) other window tiling managers, and this is the only one that actually works without issue. • remove tiling manager. In Notion on the other hand, you can have several windows in each tile, accessible through tabs. Having a decent idea of what you’re looking for goes a long w… What are the best tiling window managers for Linux? Though is has sane defaults and easy to read documentation, it is still a far jump from the more common graphical UIs found in computing. Hands off! Haskell keeps this code clean, concise, and readable, and its type system keeps you safe from any serious mistakes. pop-ups and normal windows if you wish to. Ideally you want the environment to serve you and be adapted to your needs and desires rather than getting in the way.